Deco Style Fence

Deco Style Fence
East 72nd Street
New York

This project demonstrated our ability to produce harmonious designs and to implement them effectively, while working with other trades.  We fabricated this ornamental fence to fit into a certain area.  The client had us make a custom railing for stair case in their house and liked the design so much they wanted to incorporate the same type of design into the security fence.  There was an existing fence that was removed.  They had a concrete company pour new curbs and floor.  The client had decided to work with stone for the floor and create a pattern that incorporated the fence design.  We had to work closely with the company that was laying the stone to be able to have the stone work off the fence layout.  We supplied them with drawings of the fence and location of the posts. 

The mail box, door handle and key pad were all purchased and the fencing and door were fabricated to incorporate these items into the design. The key pad was shipped to us, that section had to be designed to fit the boxes and be at the height requested by the client.  The gate handle worked the same way, but we did have to make a box for the handle to be attached to.  This project had many pieces and each was a different size.  The front panel pattern was repeated in the side panels to make fabrication a little easier.  Each 1/2" vertical bar had holes that were water jet cut and then lettered to keep track of where it needed to go in the fence.  There are 62 vertical bars in the pattern and each had different space between holes and size of holes.  The pickets were 3/4" and 1" square and many different lengths.  This fence had to fit into a certain size area so the design had to be perfect to ensure and exact fit.  The fence panels were put together in the shop then installed on site.  The steel was primed and painted flat black.  As seen above, finished fence with glass wallkway and planter boxes.

Click on images below to enlarge.